Phase I, 2005-2006: The introductory period, team training and open lab

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Phase I, 2005-2006: The introductory period, team training and open lab


The first team, consisting of twenty researchers, corresponded to the first phase, “launch”, which lasted two years. It was funded by four partners including 3 associated institutions (Inserm, UEVE, AFM) and a fourth (Génopole) that gave its support to the operation. For two years – in fact rather 18 months – we have compiled a “commando team” to address three essential questions and define the principles on which to base the Institute building. The three questions were respectively on our ability to access lines of stem cells (embryonic) necessary to our research, the applicability of automated technologies to these cells, and finally the acquisition and development of scientific and technical expertise. The main principles were to define the structure of the Institute, its financing and the terms of its public and private partnerships. The construction phase of I-Stem has resulted in a work performed by a sociology lecturer and researcher in Evry, Dr Philippe Brunet, published under the title: “The trial of technoscientific work in biotechnology: the case of the Stem Cell Institute. ”

This validation focused on the following aspects:

  • Build research teams of internationally recognized scientific level,
  • Develop research programs respectful of French law,
  • Convince key financial partners of the interest and the relevance of the investment in the exploitation of the therapeutic potential of stem cells.